I sat down to sketch, but able to draw no more than a blank, I consulted the internet for a prompt. I came across a prompt to write out five of my core beliefs, then illustrate one of them. What resulted was more of a top ten ideas by which I live. Below–in no really particular order–are the first things that came to mind in a roughly 20-minute window.

  1.  I believe in a loving Creator who designed us beautifully to be His imitators.

  2. I believe that Christ is the Son of God, who gave His life to save a f***ed up and otherwise irredeemable world.

  3. I believe that people are more important than ideas. Ideas, while important, are useless in a vacuum. I believe in social justice because people are basically good and worth saving (otherwise, of what value is belief #2?).

  4. I believe in hard work and integrity–being excellent when no one is looking.

  5. I believe that we ought to be good stewards of our planet, living as simply and naturally as possible.

  6. I believe in a limited government, by the people and for the people.

  7. I believe that honesty is always the best policy. The truth wins out in the end, and it is better to err on the side of greater good.

  8. I believe there is tremendous power in beauty.

  9. (I am in the process of believing) many failed attempts are necessary steps toward excellence. The only true failure is inaction. If you show up to the task, rewards will follow, even if the initial outcome (or several hundred outcomes) are not what you had desired.

  10. I believe that all thought and action must be motivated by love (ultimately of God, and everything else for the sake of loving Him). I create because I love. I do the best I can at my job because I love. I seek justice because I love. I vote because I love. I enjoy the fruits of the earth because I love. I have arguments with my husband because I love. I believe in being unpopular and respectfully disagreeing with others out of love. I show up to the daily tasks of life and hope it will eventually result in goodness, truth and beauty because all that stirs me to move and breathe and be is love. As a citizen of this world longing for the next, I know no other stimulus to continue in the task of being human.

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