A great deal has changed since I last posted. It seems as though a lifetime has passed. We are living in very different times than we were even a year ago.

I also now have a son. He is nearly a year and a half now. That reality amplifies everything.

As with many other things on the erstwhile to-do list, the book series I have been so excited about for quite some time has taken a back burner. It is difficult to find the mental, emotional, and physical energy to write–especially dystopian middle-grade fiction–when your heart is weighed down by the things happening in our country every day.

All the more reason it is important to keep creating.

Meanwhile, I thought I should come here to let you know that I still have every intention of writing this book series. I intend to keep making things that will hopefully be meaningful to someone, someday, on some level. I have come here to let you know that I am still here, hoping that words matter, hoping that hope matters. And I hope you are still showing up every day, too, even when things feel bleak.

I am doing my best to have faith in the goodness of people. We can’t let the darkness get the better of us. A collective tiredness is palpable, but everyone has something to contribute to the good fight in his own way. We owe it to those who came before us to fight so that their efforts were not in vain, and we owe it to our posterity to carry on a legacy of goodness.

I hope in hindsight we will feel proud of how we responded at this moment in history, however small our efforts seem. Good begets good. Light spreads. Please let this be an encouragement to not let your light grow dim.

In love,


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