Author: veronicabishop (page 19 of 21)


it’s been bothering me as to why the last two days have felt like a failure. i expected that embarrassment, frustration, and failure would be a part of creative rehabilitation, but i felt none of the joy that i felt the first day. i felt so much guilt over the self-involved nature of the whole endeavor. i was missing the mark. i was breaking my own rules. it was not humility, trust in the muse, and art for art’s sake that were motivating my work, so i became blocked. i forgot that the purpose of this time as not to please an audience or produce a certain amount of stuff (to show for my time in order to alleviate guilt?). the goal is not perfection, but freedom. i spent much of the day getting my finished product onto etsy right away, which is anthithetical to my purpose.

i must create what my spirit feels stirred to create, do it joyfully, and when it is finished i must rejoice that i have created…and then let it be. i must be motivated by gratitude, and not worry about what is to become of the finished product. i must stop thinking of it as a “product” altogether. it’s an extension of myself, the gift that god has given me, and that is what makes it sacred, an act of worship. it is my diary.

this quality time set aside for the purpose of investing in the creative part of myself is much like a honeymoon. time to be honest with myself and open to the promptings of my imagination. and like puberty, it will be messy, ugly and awkward because (again) this is for growth, not perfection. it’s like rehab. there’s no room for critics here. my creativity is in its recovery stage. as julia cameron says, “it’s impossible to get better and look good at the same time.” doing bad art (and giving myself permission to do bad art) is a necessary part of the process, priming the pump for a well of good stuff. i would sooner embarrass myself by failing than to not create at all.

artcation, days 2 and 3


today i only finished three 8×10 collage-type paintings on canvas with dictionary pages (a fox, a peony, and a sparrow), and started one with limes on illustration board. i am running out of ideas for things to do that don’t thoroughly frustrate me.

yesterday i accomplished little more than listing all my little sparrows from day one on etsy. in hopes of inspiration, i looked through my collection of writings from college, only to be reminded that my stories are rather terrible. so i have printed a year’s worth of writing prompts and am hoping once again for inspiration.

artcation, day one recap

day one (yesterday) of my five-day journey to recapture my creative mojo went about as well as i could have hoped for. the more i do, the more ideas i come up with…which is kind of the point.  if i can keep up this momentum, it will have been a very productive holiday.

i started with a cup of coffee and an early morning sketch journal date on the patio, thanks to inspiration from michael nobbs and his free download ’75 ways to draw more.’

(it’s just a sketch journal…they’re allowed to be really crappy drawings.)

i spent some of the day–as well as this morning–familiarizing myself with my new slr camera. i’ve always been a pretty lousy photographer, so i’m looking forward to improving. i had such fun snapping (mostly blurry and poorly composed) photos around the yard.


in the top drawer of my art supplies is nothing but small canvases. i set as one of my goals to use all of these this week. two dozen of them are 4×4″, and i used them all in one shot yesterday. the finished product will be posted to my etsy page later today.


goal for today: some acrylic paintings, and hopefully a few short story ideas will spring to mind as i paint. now away from the internet and back to the easel!

the don’t list

As I plan my five days of creative exploration, I find myself gradually letting go of my obsessive tendencies. I’m getting okay with less than perfection. I’m accepting loose prompts and tentative ideas over filling my datebook. By nature I live by to-do lists. I can hardly function if I haven’t written down the next thing I’m supposed to do.

For this week, I have instead compiled a list of DON’T DO’S:

  1. Don’t think about work, and don’t feel any guilt whatsoever about not being there.
  2. Resist the urge to organize, clean, or otherwise improve the house or anything in it. Anything that can’t wait five days must be serious enough for a professional to worry about, not me.
  3. Don’t use your day planner or make any appointments. Keep your time completely free for the Muse to take over.
  4. Don’t work on lesser projects such as sewing or crochet. These can wait, and are easily done without wasting precious vacation days.
  5. Don’t think about marketing or an audience for your art. Do it for you. Do it as an act of worship. Be organic.
  6. Don’t get distracted by the time suck that is the internet. All the great artists have become so without social networking. You don’t need it.
I will update this blog throughout the five days IF I feel so inspired. Otherwise I’ll just jot down thoughts in a journal and return here with a wrap-up post at the end of it all. (And I’ll be damned if I don’t feel just fine about leaving that tentative, too.)
The goal is not perfection. The goal is to follow the Muse. The goal is action–quit preparing and just DO it. The goal is catharsis. Practice. Growth. Inspiration. Beating Resistance. The goal is freedom.
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