Category: relationships (page 2 of 2)

your future is whatever you make it

Today is the day to which Doc Brown and Marty McFly traveled in “Back to the Future Part II.” It also happens to be eight years to the day that I said “I do” to spending the rest of my future with my husband. In the spirit of both anniversaries, here are some life takeaways from the eighties classic.

Overcome your fear of rejection. Marty was ready to admit defeat and never play music again just because someone told him he played “too loud.” His teacher Mr. Strickland didn’t think he would amount to anything just because his dad wasn’t much of an achiever. George needed a lot of coaxing to get up the nerve to talk to Lorraine, and even then he fumbled all over himself. Even if he didn’t appear to be much of a success at the time, he eventually got the girl. To go after anything worthwhile and secure the future of your dreams, you’ll have to put in hard work and suffer rejection. The most successful people in history have achieved thick skin and eventually success after a whole lot of rejection, and they didn’t let fear, resistance, or the opinion of others keep them from trying again.

Be resourceful. You may not build a time machine from a DeLorean or use Miller Light to fuel it in a pinch, but making do with what you have will serve you well. If you don’t need frills to be happy, you stand a better chance of staying happy. An attitude of gratefulness goes a long way. Appreciate what you have in the lean times, and you will learn to be prepared for anything.

Be true to yourself. Don’t let anyone push you around or get in the way of your dreams. Only small-minded people are bothered by people they view as less than, and bullying betrays an insecurity and fear of others’ success. Movies almost always show us that bullies never prosper. You’ll always encounter resistance from a Mr. Strickland telling you you’ll never amount to anything or a Biff waiting to pound your ass. You can’t let other people define you. Greatness is only ever accomplished by overcoming resistance. Haters gonna hate, but are they doing something worthwhile? Are they making a difference in the world? Don’t waste your energy worrying about the opinions of people stuck in their own small-mindedness.

Stand up for yourself. Goldie Wilson was sweeping floors at the diner in 1955, but eventually became mayor (just like he said he would) even though no one believed that was even possible. He encouraged George to stop letting people push him around.

Goldie Wilson: Say! Why do you let those boys push you around like that for?
George McFly: Well, they’re bigger than me.
Goldie Wilson: Stand tall, boy. Have some respect for yourself. Don’t you know, if you let people walk over you now, they’ll be walking over you for the rest of your life. Look at me. You think I’m gonna spend the rest of my life in this slop house?
Lou: Watch it, Goldie.
Goldie Wilson: No, sir! I’m gonna make something of myself. I’m going to night school, and one day, I’m gonna be somebody!
Marty McFly: That’s right! He’s gonna be mayor.

Finally, George is able to stand up to Biff when it counts and wins the heart of Lorraine. If you want to make something of yourself, it starts with believing that you don’t deserve to be a doormat. People can only give you as much respect as you project that you’re worth.

Forge your own path. “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” Sometimes it seems like there’s not enough of a beaten path for what you envision yourself doing. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but it’s good to think outside the box (to use every cliche in the book). Not every successful person needs to be a pioneer, but where would we be if no one dared to do something that hadn’t been done before?

Let the past live in the past. We know you can’t actually change the past, and who knows what the consequences would be if that were possible. Marty got a very different view of his parents in their youth than he had of them in his lifetime. You fall in love with people for who they are at the time you met them and who they are becoming. Of course, people’s histories are formative to their character, but their past is not who they are now. Live in the present and plan the future with people you love. Only look back if it’s to fondly remember the good stuff.

And lastly, what Doc Brown said: “Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one.”

introversion & authenticity

Not everyone will like you, but you have to give them the opportunity to make that choice.

Last week I posted about permission and having no regrets. I realized that my only regrets in life are regrets of omission– that perhaps I hadn’t fully participated in life. For instance, I’ve never been much of an athlete, but I was great at swimming. I probably could have really made something of myself on that front, but I got really focused on school and swimming took a back seat. I never continued to develop into the really strong swimmer I could have been. But I can always take up swimming again.  More than failing to hone a skill, what I regret more are missed relationship opportunities.

Every year toward the end of school I would start really getting to know a handful of people, and they’d always say something like, “You should talk more!” or “I didn’t know you were funny.” I guess I always subconsciously felt I had nothing to lose by showing my true colors right before saying goodbye. I was too shy to reveal too much of myself during the rest of the school year. I was always afraid I’d scare people away, even though experience showed that true friends had always been gained when I let my “freak flag fly.” The right friends are the ones who love you for who you are, to whom you are a special treasure because so few are allowed into your world.

But part of me regrets missing out on what other friendships might have been if I hadn’t been so afraid of opening up around people. It’s okay to only let the right ones into your inner circle. In fact, I think it’s entirely healthy. But that doesn’t mean it’s healthy to close yourself off from everyone else. Not everyone will like you, but you have to give them the opportunity to make that choice.

For us introverted types, it often feels safe to be neutral. We’re behind-the-scenes types. We’re observers. Some may even call us floaters. We get along with everyone and don’t fit neatly into cliques, because we don’t really broadcast enough of ourselves for people to put a label on us. But you know what they say: still waters run deep. It’s okay to not have clearly defined, superficial characteristics that allow others to file us away neatly in a box.

Just like honesty is always the best policy, you should always be yourself. Be authentic with everyone. You don’t have to unleash 100% of your personality all the time, but don’t let your shyness be an excuse to not engage with people. If you scare them away, fine. But keeping yourself to yourself might be depriving both you and someone else of a really great friendship. So don’t be afraid to show your true colors. You’ll attract the right people, and the ones you might “scare away” probably aren’t the right people to be around. If you remain in a corner, you’ll never know who may have been drawn to your flame.

crazy-makers & boundaries

I know I’ve been turning a cold shoulder to the muse when it’s been so long that I’ve even written a blog post, much less given time to creative endeavors. This is usually a good indicator that I’ve allowed my creative energy to be sapped by other things.

Do you ever go through times in which certain things and/or people get under your skin just a little more than usual? Julia Cameron calls these “crazy-makers,” and they can sabotage you like a pro. These are people who can really push your buttons and manipulate you in ways that they may not even be aware of.

I have a particularly formidable crazy-maker in my life. The tough thing about this one is that they are completely unaware of their power over my sanity, because anything I say either bounces off or is filtered through a crazy sponge and twisted into something far from what was said. This has gone on so long that I’ve gone through several different permutations of distancing myself from this person in an attempt to create healthy boundaries for myself. But I’ve gone about it all wrong, and instead have made myself a part of the problem.

I’ve come to realize a few things about dealing with crazy-makers:
1. Try not to burn bridges. Cutting ties with them isn’t the answer. Sometimes this isn’t even a possibility. But no matter how much they get under your skin, it’s important to be respectful, kind, and to evaluate whether it’s worth ending a friendship altogether.
2. Communicate. They may not know how they’re treating you. Be honest–but considerate!–in communicating the boundaries you need to set with them. If they’re a friend worth keeping, they should be open to hearing you out.
3. You may not be able to change how they treat you, but you can maintain your beliefs about how each of you deserves to be treated. You control how you respond to them and are responsible for your own attitude and perspective. Ultimately, they can’t make you crazy if you don’t give them the power to do so.

I much too frequently have to remind myself that the golden rule applies universally. I need to step back and ask Are my feelings toward this person fair, even if I feel I’ve been treated unfairly? More often than not, perception can distort the best of intentions. Try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they’re not out to sabotage you. And in those moments when your number one crazy-maker seems truly hell – bent on keeping that title, remind your brain not to give them that power, and err on the side of kindness.

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