Tag: Resistance

daily bread

If you are reading this and have not yet laid your hands on a gem of a book called “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield, please do yourself a huge favor and grab yourself a copy as soon as humanly possible. In it, Pressfield describes the characteristics of Resistance, which, in short, is self-sabotage that prevents us from doing/thriving at whatever it is we’re born to do. We beat Resistance by sitting down to do our work, inviting the Muse and just doing it.

As mentioned in my introductory post, this is why I’ve begun to blog. It gets me to just sit down and write on a regular basis, whether or not I have anything worthwhile to say. It makes me overcome anything that would prevent me from my creative tasks.

I believe that this is what I’m asking for when I say, “Give us this day our daily bread,”–bread being the creative drive, wisdom, spiritual sustenance. God, today grant me the ability to create. Forgive me for the things that get in the way of that, and help me to stop sabotaging what you have created me to do. Thank you for that spark you have put in my spirit. I invite you to inspire me today.

Statement of purpose

Being painfully shy has had its ups and downs throughout the course of my twenty-eight years on this mortal coil. It has prevented me from doing a lot of things I probably would have regretted. It has also made me regret not doing a lot of things that would probably grow me as a human being.

Because I end up feeling embarrassed about myself either way, I figure I ought to err on the side of action—to take more courageous leaps in “putting myself out there,” however embarrassing that might be. (If anyone’s reading, putting my thoughts into a public forum is a surefire formula for humiliation.)

I need to develop the guts to do the little things if I’m going to do anything worthwhile and bear the true image of the Creator. If I cultivate my soul, artistic endeavors should follow. If I make a habit of sitting down to write, I am overcoming a small part of that Resistance that hinders me in my craft.

This is my purpose in keeping this blog, however mundane the entries may be. It is to develop the habit of doing, to improve my being, for the sake of doing more, doing better, and eventually being better.

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